Meccano missile launching vehicle


This vehicle is inspired by the Russian missile launching truck


The vehicle

The vehicle has two driving rooms, and it driven by a motor with 12 volt battery, which is located at the end of the vehicle. No steering at the moment, so the vehicle only runs forward.






The missile

It is a lot of fun to build the vehicle, since it is quite different from the usual Meccano models you make, I have to be a bit imaginary, for example, I used to three boilers to represent the missile. That’s why the missile is so colorful.

You can manually move the missile up, representing the ready to launch state.




The videos

Here is a video showing how the vehicle moves (if you don’t see the video, link here):

Here is a video showing the motor and gears (if you don’t see the video, link here):

Written on August 5, 2017